and now it’s time to say good-bye
we liked the fantasy of living here
an almost perfect daydream imagining anew
a new house
a new view
a new routine
Paul, who made the leap from fantasy,
gives the grand tour: this is where
I worked my first job
we had our first date
our boy was born
the drunk driver spilled diesel during the salmon run
you can get great Vietnamese food
we take the dogs for a morning run
I got my tattoos
that Korean guy killed his wife and kids
the woman gave us the evil eye
when the dog pooped on the path
the cruise ships berth in transit to Alaska
my cell phone thought it was in Washington
and almost cost me some dineros
I found the body
I get kombuchi
we fell in love
and when the day has faded
and when we’ve settled into our not-house
and when we’ve nestled beneath our not-sheets
we remember our own this is wheres
the ones that belong to us
the ones that we belong to

Download the complete collection of poems and accompanying photographs as a pdf book.