Although the Swedes aren’t known as a warlike people, the marketing department had launched their latest campaign with military precision. They softened the beachhead – in a manner of speaking – by deliberately leaking all kinds of rumours that exploded like mortar shells in the trenches of America.
Tag: Humour
Bully at a Book Sale
I’m an incorrigible bibliophile. Although it’s an awful-sounding disease, its worst symptom is a compulsive desire to attend used book sales and a subsequent need for more shelves. As with allergy sufferers, autumn can be a difficult time of year. The challenge is a gauntlet of book sales sponsored by colleges of the University of Toronto.
Religious Parody Sites
Whenever I’m surfing, I keep an eye out for wholesome web content I can pass along to my gentle readers so they too can nurture their delicate sensibilities. When I find unashamed discussions of masturbation, I despair that things have gotten out of hand.
Math tutorials for budding activists
My daughter, now in grade 9, is learning to do linear equations in her math class, then mapping points as Cartesian co–ordinates on graph paper. She’s a reasonably bright 14-year-old, but no math whiz, mostly because she feels no motivation to learn the problems. How do they relate to real-world issues?
His Left Behind
At the end of time, Joe met his worst nightmare. The rapture came & he had to go to the bathroom. With his pants around his ankles, the angels snatched him up. All of him, that is, except … His Left Behind.
Is there life after death?
I just had to laugh. I was walking past a box, like the newspaper boxes, that displayed a free Summer 2005 syllabus for The Learning Annex. The cover features what I presume to be their most popular course: “Is There Life After Death? Find Out!” I hope I’m not the only person who thinks this…