In Toronto, there is a generally held belief that we are a culturally and ethnically diverse city. Canada has a long-standing official policy of multiculturalism and nowhere is that trotted out more often and with more self-congratulatory pats on the back than in Toronto. But a survey of our shop windows tells a different story:

Where are all the black mannikins? The Filipinnikins? The First Nationikins?

Probably they’re cleaning and cooking for all the white mannikins who are busy doing the important work of wearing furs and custom-tailored suits.

I love the present, but I love the future, too, and my future includes more than hairless white people.

I couldn’t resist taking this shot. With the help of a window reflection, I smushed a mannikins headikin.

Here’s what white mannikin dudes look like when they hang out together:

Full disclosure: I am white and have no hair. I like to see bald white mannikins. It makes me feel accepted for who I am. Now, if only I could get that buff. I’d really be somebody!

Ah, the white man’s (or woman’s) burden: to look good in a window. Not exactly what Rudyard Kipling had in mind.

This one reminds me of that Veejer bitch from the first Star Trek movie:

And this is just about the least sexy thing I’ve ever seen:

In fairness, not all mannikins are white. Some have a golden sheen to their faceless heads.