If the colour yellow was an animal, it would be a cat. It simply is and doesn’t care what you think. It bursts in upon your world whether you like it or not. Your choices are: look away or accept and enjoy it. There is no middle ground. If you try to scrape it away or replace it with another colour, it will only come back, not with a vengeance but with an annoying insistence. It may brush up against your ankles. It may purr as if it means to soothe you. Don’t be deceived. Yellow has no intention of soothing you. It wants to be orange. It wants to fire your emotions so you pace the floor and can’t sleep at night. Don’t believe me? Imagine what your life would be like if an evil vandal snuck into your home while you were out and painted your bedroom bright yellow. Even the ceiling. Or worse, your bathroom. Nobody ever took a proper shit in a bright yellow bathroom. Yellow is too…too… It’s the colour you look at when you want to cinch your sphincter.