My name is Dave and I am a Disneyholic…Hello, Dave. Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself and your struggles with Disney addiction?
Tag: America
If you click on the little audio thingy, you can listen to a story about the Federal Communications Commission or FCC (pronounced “fuck”).
How ever will we float this baby?
Life on earth could thrive. Life on earth could soar. Right now things seem stuck. What holds us down? What keeps us from a higher living? I’ve offered a couple suggestions. What flags would you put on those mooring lines?
Fluff American Style
I saw The Social Network on opening night but didn’t post anything here because after the movie was over I went home and promptly forgot about it.
Bookselling in 1925
My grandfather did his undergraduate degree at Mt. Allison University in Sackville N.B. After his first year, he was seriously short of cash and thought he could make some easy money selling books door-to-door.
Suicide Blonde by Darcey Steinke
In yesterday’s post on Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer, I asked a question which I never answered: “And can we make anything more of it [the Tropic of Cancer] 75 years after its publication?” That’s a question about Miller’s legacy.
Poem: Red, Black & Blue
A warm and blustery wind from the southhas caught me full on my mouthand turned to red and black and bluea cheek that once shone white for you. I wanted a single room apart,but you demanded all my heart.What you asked I gave for free,withholding nothing, me to thee. On flat stomach and virgin monsran…
What Is America? by Ronald Wright
In the forward to What Is America? A Short History of the New World Order, Ronald Wright points out that his book arises from the final chapter of an earlier work, A Short History of Progress. There, he planted the seeds of a simple thesis with far reaching consequences. It is his latter book which expands upon these consequences.
Obama in Zombieland
Barack Obama is our latest Nobel Laureate. The world (or at least that part of the world that thinks the Nobel prize has more credibility than the medal the Wizard pins on the cowardly lion’s chest) is abuzz with the news. Opinions vary.
Depression and American Culture
Let’s revisit the question I posed in my “Quitters Are Winners Too” post: what is it about American life that increases the prevalence of depression? Americans are more depressed than any other group in the world.
Fundamentalism(s) In America
The election of Barack Obama has been accompanied by a mood of optimism: America (and the whole world for that matter) might at last enjoy some respite from the reactionary politics of George W. Bush and his caterwauling coterie on the extreme right.
Obama Collector Plates and Mugs
I had just posted yesterday’s entry about how nothing will really change with Obama given that certain ideological assumptions (like consumerism) transcend partisan politics, when spam arrived in my in-box inviting me to purchase my very own Obama commemorative plate and mug.
Obama Yes – Change No
I had promised myself I wouldn’t write a “morning after” commentary, but I’ve grown tired of the grandiose electioneering rhetoric and of the even more grandiose claims of the election commentators. I can’t help but burst the bubble: Obama will fail.
Ethics – The Final Frontier
Remember the opening words to every episode of the original Star Trek series? William Shatner would say: “Space: the final frontier …” Then the theme music: a series of fourths: dut, da da. And the backup singers: Ah, Ahhhhh …. Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah.
Talking to Cardboard (Ann Coulter)
In my previous post I touched on a question of propriety in writing: is it acceptable for an author of fiction to allow her work to be influenced by politics? In this post I want to turn the question on its head and ask: is it acceptable for an author of politics to allow her work to be influenced by fiction?