At the news of Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ death, I pulled out my very first Mac computer and held an interment ceremony. This is one of the original 128k RAM Macs. No hard drive. It boots from a 3.5 inch floppy disc. I bought it in 1984 after I saw one at a trade show. I hadn’t even seen the superbowl commercial yet. It still works. What appealed to me was the GUI screen. I had been learning to program in my spare time on a UNIX mainframe at U. of T. and I was sick of command line prompts. Basically, I wanted to play. What I most appreciate about Steve Jobs is that he thought equally well with both sides of his brain. It’s an example I try to emulate in everything I do. (I took this photo with my iPhone 4 and posted this blog on my Mac Pro Quad Core tower.)