The other day, I was eating lunch and looked out the window into a dreary rain/snow mix. I stepped to the window (as I always do when I’m wondering if I should grab my camera and go outside) when I noticed someone on the roof across the road. (I live on the 15th floor and the building across from me is 6 floors, so my view of the roof is a bird’s eye view.) The man was lying prone and leaning over the edge. It looked cold and damp.

Below him on the adjacent roof, two men were bundling up an old ad that they’d just pulled off the wall and they were prepping something new to hoist up the side of the building.

Good-bye to vodka and hello to … what? It was a mystery.

Another man appeared on the roof and, together, they pulled up the new ad.

After all that, here’s what they put up: a snowflake with a thermostat in the middle. My advice would be this: if you want to stay warm in the winter, don’t spend your time on roofs hanging ads.