This poster came down last week. It was on the south-facing wall of the new Holt Renfrew Men’s clothing store on Bloor Street. (In case you need to know, like for some trivia game, Holt Renfrew is ultimately owned by the Weston family.) For months, this guy’s been staring down at all the people passing on the sidewalk. Kinda makes you wonder what he was thinking. I have some theories, but your suggestions are welcome:
– Look at all these little people. I could crush them.
– I’m chafing. Wonder if anyone would notice if I stuck my hand in my pocket, shifted it a little to the right, and scratched.
– When I applied for the job, I thought they said I could be a poser, not a poster.
– Okay. Who’s the asshole who parked his van on the sidewalk … and right in front of my …
– If I look serious enough, people might not notice that I’m a total airhead.
– Nice bike. Wish I wasn’t stuck here on this wall.

I signed on for a Stella Artois advertisement. @!%!**#!#!! airbrusher