Last weekend, I went to Lion’s Head on the Bruce peninsula which extends out between Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. It’s part of the Niagara escarpment so there are spectacular limestone cliffs along the water’s edge and, of course, the Bruce Trail, winding its way along the summit and, sometimes, down to the water.

If you’re a complete chicken like me, you’ll want to stay well back from the edge. Otherwise, you might want to rappel down the face of a cliff.

I stayed over for two nights which, for a photographer, means that I got up early on two mornings. On the first morning, I went down to the water’s edge within sight of the harbour. While shooting away from the harbour, I noticed that the light was changing dramatically to my back. I turned around and caught a rainbow arching over the harbour. It almost looks like a protective dome.

When I wasn’t being rained on, I took long exposures of water washing around the rocks. It creates a kind of misty effect.

On the second morning, I started hiking through the woods at six in the morning. These are some of the woods, but not at six in the morning. I couldn’t see what I was doing at six in the morning.

The reason I got up at six in the morning is that I wanted to make it to McKay’s Harbour by first light and see the wonderful sunrise. There was no sunrise. Everything was grey and bleak. But grey and bleak can be good too.

As on the earlier morning, I did some long exposures to produce a misty effect. This time, there were clumps of grass mixed in with the rocks.